Friday, May 27, 2011

Mia:A Vacation I had hope for :D

We are finally going for a vacation. just a bit of information It will only take some weeks before classes start and its my first time to finally go to vacation. I'll post it soon here as we are just about to go there to our destination. I love vacation but not that much you see. I only love vacation if we will go somewhere place and not me stuck in the house in front of this computer... haist.... I love classes I love studies...and I'm good at it ... that's one of the reasons I hate too long vacations without any destinations. I'm a culinary student by the way... So if you ask me if I like food I'll answer yes of course... but I also like travelling... and I have been bored so much lately and this trip will help somehow to relieve this boredom. Well, we will go swimming in a resort but if you ask me if I know how to swim I'll definitely answer NO. hahaha my ears keep having water if I swim.. I was not born to swim I guess but I like water very much. I love it when it rains... i love water it keeps me calm. So I need to get going wish me luck to have a good vacation :D

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I really don't know why I started this thing but it keeps bogging me since yesterday. Actually this is not my first[i have make 3 already but all our fansites appreciating things I like] blog but this is the only blog I tell who am I or what my mind think. I am not using my own name in this blog or any name of other peole I encounter. I just used them for diferrentiating one person to another in this blog. Actually this if for the purpose of a diary. yeah yeah... Why do i have to blog it and just write it in a notebook or somewhere else? Well the thing is I cannot hide it in my house my grandma Lia always find it and to my disappointment always read it[i even use methods of writting backwards]. Diary for me should be private! Well I know why put it in a blog where more people can see it. Actually people who see it even they know me in person will not likely know that I am the person behind this blog .I'm always secretive and shy to talk to anyone. I just like to endure it to myself. I am always like this. Actually I'm an incoming 3rd year college student. This one is not a lie :D Almost all of the things I will write here are completely true except names of the persons involved and names of places associated with me to make it still a secret. No one from my family knows of this blog to keep myself from expressing what I want. For all future viewers of this blog thank you i just want to express myself and for you to keep reading this will be much appreaciated...
